Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What I'm loving and Thankful

First, some of my Facebook friends started the trend of "a month of thankfulness"...ok maybe not started but jumped on the bandwagon. Here's mine so far:
November 1: first run in 7 months (and post-baby). It was slowwwww, but it felt great to run again!!
November 2: seeing family. It's my great aunt's funeral today. She put up an amazing 10 year fight against cancer. And though it's not the greatest reason to get to see family, it will be a blessing nonetheless.

Now on to what I'm loving. I haven't linked up for at least a few months, so here goes...

[1] LIZA. Our baby girl is 6.5 weeks old and we fall more and more in love with her everyday. When she smiles, our hearts melt.

[2] IPHONE. It's helping me to stay somewhat connected, keeps track of Liza's feedings (app is called Baby Brain), and helps me snap quick photos of our sweet girl. And we can't wait to use FaceTime with friends further away!

[3] FAMILY. our families have been wonderfully supportive of our new roles of parents. They give Liza tons of love and help give us breaks here and there.

[4] HUSBAND. JW is SUCH a good daddy. He snuggles with Liza, helps with diapers and baths, and gives her tons of kisses. He's also been an amazing husband and support for me as we've learned how to live with less sleep, rushed dinners, and figuring out the whole feeding thing.

Happy Wednesday peeps!! What are you loving??


  1. Liza is too precious! Happy Wednesday!

  2. How cool that they have an app to keep track of feedings! iPhones are the best. :)

    And what a cutie she is!


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