Monday, January 7, 2013

Five for 5.

I've been reading Jessica's blog for awhile now.  We're both teachers and I feel like we're on the same page to some extent.  I like the habit of creating 5 goals for the week and trying to stick with a few of them.  So here's my Five for 5 this week:


1) Get three workouts in this week.  My volleyball league starts back up tomorrow {woohoo!} so realistically this means I only have to do two other workouts.

2) Finish my application for Apple's Distinguished Educators.  As an Apple junkie who has recently embraced everything Apple (we own two iPhones, two iPads, and two MacBooks), I really want to share how I use the iPad in my 1:1 classroom but also have a network of amazing educators to collaborate with.  Plus it's due January 15th.

3) Start Liza's ABC Book.  When my nephew Braden was a baby, I made him a photo ABC book using things that were related to our family.  It was pretty cool.  Lately Liza has been obsessed with books {which as a teacher-mom, I couldn't be happier about}, but especially our photo books.  Although I probably won't finish the book, it'd be great to get it started.

4) Create another flipped lecture for school.  Being a teacher in a 1:1 iPad district, I have an awesome opportunity to 'flip' instruction.  Just takes a little extra time to get the lesson prepped.  I think I can...I think I can...

5) Write a few more blog posts this week.  I haven't blogged in months.  I've missed it, but lesson planning and house planning have gotten the best of me.  So I want to hop back on the blogging train.

Alright, let's hope by writing these down I get working on them this week.  It's bound to be another busy week, but such is life.  Just glad I get to spend it with these two :)

Have a lovely, lucky day :)

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