Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh loves!

Because it's Wednesday, it's officially time to link up with Jamie and share all the great things I'm loving this week! :)

That the weather cooled off a bit today.  It makes it easy to work inside on my Master's and not crave the sunshine and warmth outside.

That Liza's room is sooooo close to being done!  She even got her first anywhere chair yesterday.  Braden tested it out and decided she would like it :)  And of course, this is a good thing since her tentative arrival is only 5 weeks away!!  

Speaking of that...any suggestions on what to pack in my hospital bag?

All the tomatoes starting to get yellow and orange in our garden -- it won't be long till we're totally overwhelmed with tomatoes.

The PB-chocolate {green} smoothie I made yesterday.  I know putting spinach in a smoothie doesn't sound great, but you can't even taste it and you get all the nutrients from it!

This sweet face...

My main man, JW.

What are you loving this week?


  1. You have great loves this week! :)
    I'm stopping by from the linkup.
    Congrats on almost being a mommy to a little girl!!! That's so exciting. I've heard those green smoothies are delicious but have yet to make one! Happy Wednesday! :)

  2. That smoothie sounds sooo good! I'm going to have to try that :) Stopping by from WILW. I love your blog!


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