Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Simple Things.

Well it's been awhile, but I'm finally linking up again with Jesslyn Amber to share "The Simple Things".  She is such a sweet girl going through a tough time in her life, so be sure to check out her blog and send some happy thoughts her way.

Here's my list for the week.
~Having a job~
~Knowing that we get to meet this baby girl soon~
~Waking up to the thump of my puppy's (ok ok, 10 year old black lab) tail on the bed~
~A wonderful, hard-working husband~
~Great family and friends who were so supportive and encouraging during 'the great job hunt'~
~A job that will give me some flexibility once Liza is here~
~Having my long-term sub plans just about done for maternity leave~
~Having my Master's Project and therefore my Master's DONE~

What are YOU appreciating today?

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